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Senin, 04 April 2016

suka duka memjadi mahasiswa akuntansi

Hello my name is zhilabella septiani, you can call me bella. I will tell you a story about my feeling after being a college student of accounting in Gunadarma University.
I studied accounting in Gunadarma is'nt easy a lot of trouble should I find. Fisrt, the methods applied by the lecturer less I understand. Second, Gunadarma environment that does not support the learning process. And the last, accounting laboratory has not been upgrade.
However, I must keep the spirit to learning accounting. I have many friends who always help. We made a study group in the task of the lecturer, so the existing barriers are not noticeably.So surprise to be in major right now, but there is alway the bad the good even the best moment in every part of this. I learn new everything about something i don't know before.

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